Watch Doc West`S Conscience: Part 1 Online
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Yugoslavia: The Avoidable War - Top Documentary Films. If anyone doubts that it is time for a clear and critical look at Western intervention in the Balkans, consider this: The forces that the US supported in Bosnia and Kosovo were and are closely allied with Osama Bin Laden’s al- Qaeda network. Bin Laden, himself, was a regular visitor in the office of Bosnia’s President Alija Izetbegovic in early 1. US government was touting his commitment to moderation and multi- ethnic cooperation.
Yugoslavia: The Avoidable War makes a compelling case that Western backing of separatist forces led directly to the outbreak of war. The intelligence agencies were unanimous in stating that if you recognize Bosnia, it will blow up," George Kenney of the State Department reveals. Why then did the US proceed to do so sparking four years of savage warfare? How did we end up on the same side as Osama- Bin Laden in Bosnia and Kosovo? Newscasters and columnists continue to refer to Kosovo as a victory for the US, but this documentary shows that the region is infinitely more divided and dangerous than it was when NATO bombing commenced in March of 1. The region is more unstable and US troops are likely to be stuck in harm’s way much longer than originally anticipated.
Also check out The Death of Yugoslavia.
Only Homophobes Will Make It To Heaven And All Non- Homophobes Will End Up In Hell. By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special)So why are the Shoebats such homophobes? In 2 Peter 2 and 3 and in Luke 1. Bible packs some serious warnings few today even consider the implications of. These sections of scripture are regarding judgment day.
In these verses where God is no ‘Mr. Nice Guy’ it spares only what the world today labels as ‘homophobes’ from judgement while God annihilates everyone else; not only the homosexuals will be annihilated, but this utter destruction includes everyone who is a homosexual sympathizer or is indifferent to the sins of our times. Hard to believe? If this is hard to believe, it is only because you might be a damned soul. Trust the scriptures and repent. In what used to be the most obvious way for one to self- examine their soul, and to know if one is damned or saved, that is, the reading of the Holy Scriptures, we find that in 2 Peter 2: 7 it says “Lot, greatly distressed by the sensual conduct of the wicked” was the reason why God preserved and saved him.
Thats it. But Lot in our modern times would be labeled as a “homophobe,” a sticky label most avoid today. So today, to damn oneself, all one has to do is to announce ‘I do not care what homosexuals do in the privacy of their own bedrooms’. I am disturbed at what goes on when it comes to perversity.
Therefore, it is not just the homosexual act itself that condemns ones soul, but the indifference to evil. Also scripture adds regarding the damned: “especially those who indulge in the lust of defiling passion and despise authority” (2 Peter 8- 1. Yet today in churches they teach that such lust is no mortal sin, so long the act itself is not carried out. Today they call these “chaste homosexuals”. This too is very disturbing. Welcome to the Jerusalem of “Sodom and Egypt” where Christ’s Body is attacked by the fallen Church. Today the fallen church is “Sodom and Egypt” and it is running rampant with deception and where so few will be saved from it.
Regarding the Second Coming of our Lord in glory and power, Jesus in three words reminds “Remember Lot’s wife” (Luke 1. This was said by Christ in regards to the condition of this world. This rings true regarding the urgency to reject what you see happening from all sorts of immorality and sexual perversions just prior to His Second coming.
It will be a heedless world, rampant with homosexuality, and where authority (both church and government) is hated, where the bottomline will be whether you are for or against sodomy. Today you are either a homophobe or you approve of sodomy by simply saying that you do not care what people do in the privacy of their own bedroom. And to know what the world would be like before Christ’s coming, Luke 1. Christ was asked as to where will such events be carried out and Christ replies: “where there is a dead body, the vultures will gather” (Luke 1. The wise see the multiple meanings in these short verses. Remember Lot’s wife” is regarding the condition of the world being as it was in the times of Sodom and Gomorra. Scripture also describes our times as “in the Days of Noah” before the flood, but this time its judgment by fire.
So what was the condition in Noah’s and Lot’s days? Firstly and most importantly, the number of the saints decreased rapidly till there was almost none left. Many died out and decreased rapidly. Before Christ comes there will be much less Christians.
These would either die out of old age or are annihilated by persecution. Warehouse 13 Season 3 Episode 12. All of what you see today who speak of love and are indifferent to Sodomy are not Christians.
Secondly, in the ancient biblical stories, none were prepared except Noah, Lot and their families who remained pretty much secluded and lived indoors. To begin a life where one spends family time indoors must become a norm with Christians. Isaiah 2. Come, My people, enter your chambers, And shut your doors behind you; Hide yourself, as it were, for a little moment, Until the indignation is past. This “Noah entering the Ark” and Lot “locking himself indoors” under the protection of angels gets us to ask: why did the angels have Lot remain indoors while the sodomites where orgying outside trying to force their way in? This is not a peaceful movement and it will resort to any means of arm- twisting tactics to force Christians to comply even if it means banning them from using social media and in the end even killing them. Therefore, as Christ prophesied, so few are prepared. Even the bulk majority of whom call themselves ‘Christian’ will not be ready and will end up in the wide gate part of the damned.
Why are they damned? Today, like never before, instead of focusing on these verses, and how to prepare one’s own soul, or how to confront the coming evil, many would consider not even worry about what is unfolding. They make- believe that a secret and sudden “rapture” is coming ‘before’ all the chaos unfolds. So by this, they developed an escapist mentality. So instead of prepping to ensure a plentiful oil supply in their lamps, these are infected with this escapist view.
They ignore that such view was never held by any of the church fathers. This mentality was formulated as late as John Nelson Darby (1. Cyrus Scofield, an American lawyer, who popularized the teaching among American Protestants. John Darby. So they miss- read the scripture when it says: “the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.” (1 Thessalonians 4: 1.
Yet this is a clear reference to the resurrection of the dead plus the few ‘narrow gate’ rescued living saints. Jesus appears from heaven, bursting through the clouds with a shout of joy to rescue His living saints on judgment day. The lead angel in Christ’s victory procession shouts as well. Then there’s a mighty blast from God’s trumpet. Nothing secret about this at all: “He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect” (Matthew 2. This is no secret rapture. It is judgment time.
It is the complete destruction and annihilation of the wicked: “And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all” (Luke 1. It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all.” (Luke 1. Watch Despicable Me 3 Online (2017) on this page. They drank, they married wives”. So not all were homosexuals, yet they too were destroyed regardless that they believed that marriage is between a man and a woman.
It was a society were many believed in marriage, as Lot’s daughters were betrothed to be wed. They loved marriage between a man and a woman, yet even these too were damned for scoffing at Lot’s concerns: “So Lot went out, and spoke to his sons in law that were to have his daughters, and said: Arise: get you out of this place, because the Lord will destroy this city.
And he seemed to them to speak as it were in jest.” (Genesis 1. They mocked Lot as if his warning was a joke and they too perished. It was, as it will be, in the ends of days; a complete and total destruction of this earth and its inhabitants, just as it was in the days of Noah, Sodom and Gomorra. While sin abounds, Christ sandwiches and adds this itty- bitty little verse in between “remember Lot’s wife”.
It is one of the shortest verses in scripture that packs much meaning. First of all, the story of Lot and Noah reveals that the number of the saints will decrease tremendously since in Lot’s story God rescued only three individuals and in Noah’s story God rescued only seven.“Remember Lot’s wife” is a phrase that hits multiple birds in one stone.