Watch Temple Grandin Download Full

This page lists direct English translations of common Latin phrases. Some of the phrases are themselves translations of Greek phrases, as Greek rhetoric and. A Conversation with Temple Grandin NPRAnimal scientist Temple Grandin says autism helps her see things as animals do. Grandin talks about her work designing humane slaughter systems for animals, and her unique way of looking at the world. FLATOW Im Ira Flatow this is TALK OF THE NATION SCIENCE FRIDAY from NPR News. Soundbite of music FLATOW Youre listening to TALK OF THE NATION SCIENCE FRIDAY. Im Ira Flatow. For the rest of the hour, a look inside the often mysterious world of autism through the eyes of someone who has made a career out of overcoming the roadblocks the illness put in her way. Temple Grandin doesnt see the world like most of us do. She does, she would say, see the world more like most animals a place of fear without emotion where your thoughts come to you in pictures rather than in words. Temple Grandin is autistic. Her writings about her struggles with autism, her fear, her anxiety, the overwhelming sensation of smell and sound, provide an intriguing glimpse into the world of autistic people. Because of her autism Dr. Grandin says she can understand how animals see the world in a way that most humans cannot. She has written about her experiences with autism and her observations of animals in many books. You may remember her Thinking in Pictures. Well, her latest book is Animals In Translation. She now joins us. Let me formally introduce her. Temple Grandin is an Associate Professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University in Fort Collins. Animals in Translation Using the Mysteries of Autism to Decode Animal Behavior is co authored with Katherine Johnson. She joins us from studies of KPBS in San Diego. Welcome to SCIENCE FRIDAY, Dr. Grandin. Dr. TEMPLE GRANDIN Colorado State University Its good to be here. Watch Flashpoint Season 3 on this page. FLATOW How has your book been received Dr. GRANDIN Well, theres been a lot of interest in it. I was really happy to say that were making some of the bestseller lists. But lets get into talking about how autism is similar animal behavior. The thing is I dont think in a language and animals dont think in a language. Its sensory based thinking, thinking in pictures, thinking in smells, thinking in touches. Its putting these sensory based memories into categories. Thats the basis of how an animal would think. One thing I want to say is, animals do have emotion. But fear tends to be one of the most primal emotions. FLATOW So you dont read animals minds, dont want our listeners to confuse thatDr. GRANDIN No. And I always get asked all the time about animal communicators and I really dont want to get into a discussing whether ESP exists or not. Lets just stick with, you know, the other more concrete things. FLATOW Mm hmm. Yeah. Workshops Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder Teaching Strategies and Behaviour Support by Sue Larkey. Join Sue for inspiring, entertaining and informative. Dr. GRANDIN Because thats how I think. FLATOW Yeah. Dr. GRANDIN I think in most cases, a lot of these animal communicators are very good animal behavior people. Watch Temple Grandin Download Full' title='Watch Temple Grandin Download Full' />Find, shop for and buy Prime Video at Amazon. Watch the latest Featured Videos on CBSNews. View more videos on CBS News, featuring the latest indepth coverage from our news team. DSSwLYz5bRUygNxxf-GxIscxc=/300x450/v1.bjs3NzMxNzg7ajsxNzUxMzsxMjAwOzMwMDs0NTA' alt='Watch Temple Grandin Download Full' title='Watch Temple Grandin Download Full' />And a lot of them are visual thinkers and their picking up very subtle body cues from the animal. You know, its crouching down a little bit, its moving around little bit differently. Theyre just very good at reading animal behavior. And I think in most cases that can explain some of their successes. FLATOW And why do you think your autism allows you to understand how animals think Dr. GRANDIN Well to understand animal thinking youve got to get away from a language. See my mind works like Google for images. Watch The Pacifier Putlocker#. You put in a key word it brings up pictures. Stream Tuf 22 Episode 1. See language for me narrates the pictures in my mind. When I work on designing livestock equipment I can test run that equipment in my head like 3 D virtual reality. In fact, when I was in college I used to think that everybody was able to do that. And language just sort of, you know, gives an opinion. Like, oh, thats a good idea or oh, I just figured out how to design that. Language is not actually used in the actual designing process that is all done in pictures. FLATOW Mm hmm. When did you first discover that you could do this That you could understand how animals think Dr. GRANDIN Well, the thing is, I thought everybody thought in pictures. When I was in high school and college, I thought everybody could think in pictures. And my first inkling to my thinking was even different was when I was in college and I read an article about you know, some scientist said that the caveman could not have designed tools until they had language. And then when I did Thinking in Pictures I started interviewing people in detail about how they thought. And that really gave me insight into how my thinking was different. And that some people think much more in words. And then Im thinking, well, that has to be how an animal would think. Theres no other way an animal could possibly think. FLATOW And so youve been able to design a device that animals will readily use as where other people have failed Because you can think Dr. GRANDIN Well, back FLATOW how they think Dr. GRANDIN The first thing I thought about is how they see. I mean, Id read in my physiology books that, when I was in college, that cattle had 3. And I was out in the feed yards in Arizona back in the 1. And, you know, some of the cows would just walk up the shoots to get their vaccinations. Other cattle would refuse to go through the shoots. So I got down in the shoots to take pictures of what the cattle were seeing. And people thought that was just kind of crazy. And I found that they were afraid of shadows. They were afraid of a reflection off the bumper of a truck. They were afraid of seeing people up ahead. And if you remove these visual based details, then the cattle would walk right up the shoot. In the beginning when I first started doing that, I mean people just couldnt even see why I was doing it. FLATOW Yeah, you write in your book about how youve noticed that animals do not like to stand with their legs crossed or feet together. And that some of the pens were forcing them to do that and you designed that out of it. Dr. GRANDIN Well, thats getting into the restrainer systems that I designed in the 1. I designed a system holding a cattle in the meat plant, where they straddle a conveyor. And if you get things set up right they just walk in really quietly. And youve got to get the lighting right. Theyre afraid of the dark. If the lights were going, blasting in their eyes like the sun or theres a reflection on a shinny piece of metal moving, theyre going to be afraid of that. And you get rid of those things their afraid of then their going to walk right in.