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Bamboo sharks use their SHOULDERS to swallow. Sharks don't have tongues to move food through their mouths so they use their shoulders instead, according to new research. Sophisticated X- ray technology revealed for the first time that bamboo sharks swing their shoulders internally when they eat to create the suction needed to draw food into their digestive track. The way the shark's skeletal structure evolved could help explain how some creatures eventually became capable of making it to land.

SCI FI Channel is now Syfy, but you can still get access to all your favorite SCI FI Channel content right here. Syfy features science fiction, drama, supernatural. Stuart Cove’s Shark Adventure™ is a 2-tank dive program which introduces thrill seeking divers to wild sharks and provides you a close up look at these. Directed by Emile Edwin Smith. With Edward DeRuiter, Jenna Parker, Kaiwi Lyman-Mersereau, Clarissa Thibeaux. A new breed of aggressive, ravenous sharks cracks the. Growing up and surfing in Western Australia, Ian Cairns never thought much about sharks. Much as in Southern California, surf line-ups were crowded, people swam. Watch the latest Featured Videos on View more videos on CBS News, featuring the latest in-depth coverage from our news team. Fascinating X-ray footage reveals how sharks use their shoulders to slurp down their prey. Bamboo sharks swing their shoulders internally when they eat to create suction.

Scroll down for video Sophisticated X- ray movie technology revealed for the first time that bamboo sharks (pictured) swing their shoulders internally when they eat (stock image)BAMBOO SHARKSBamboo sharks are often known as 'cat sharks' because their nasal hairs look like cat whiskers. This are actually very sensitive and help them locate hidden food in the sand. They prefer shallow tropical reefs and have slime bodies which means they can hide in crevices. They live in Indo- West Pacific Ocean regions and largely eat crab, shrimp and small fish. They are quite docile and most active at night when they use their fins to help them crawl along the ocean floor. By opening their mouths widely and quickly, sometimes using muscles deep in their bodies, fish can create the suction needed to draw prey into their mouths. Shrimaan Shrimati Episode 17. Dr Camp believes the research may help scientists inch toward answering the question of how the shoulder girdle evolved in sharks, and other fish, in the first place. 'We humans use our tongue to move food around our mouths and swallow it- but sharks don't have a tongue', Ariel Camp, a postdoctoral researcher at Brown University and lead author of the research told Mail.
Online.'Instead, scientists think that sharks and fish can carefully control the flow of water inside their mouths, "swishing" it around to move and swallow food', she said.'We think that swinging shoulders is part of this "hydrodynamic tongue" that the bamboo sharks use to move food from their jaws to their stomachs.'Her research found bamboo sharks (Chiloscyllium plagiosum) use their shoulders, composed of a U- shaped girdle of cartilage and various attached muscles, for feeding as well as for movement. Bamboo sharks are among several species of shark that use suction to slurp up prey, for instance out of rocky crevices or the silt of the sea floor. In this study, researchers watched three bamboo sharks feast on pieces of squid and herring. By opening their mouths widely and quickly, sometimes using muscles deep in their bodies, fish can create the suction needed to draw prey into their mouths. Researchers looked at CT scans of the skeleton with high- speed high- resolution X- ray movies (X- ray Reconstruction of Moving Morphology - XROMM) and tiny implanted metal markers.
This allowed them to create precise visualisations of how bones and muscles moved. Researchers measured a surprising swing in the shoulder girdle of all three sharks tested.
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Just a fraction of a second after the mouth closed, the cartilage quickly rotated backward (from head to tail) by about 1. This image from an XROMM video of a bamboo shark shows after food is swallowed bones of the shoulder (with blue shadow to indicate movement) move back, drawing food in farther.
The study shows bamboo sharks use their shoulders, composed of a U- shaped girdle of cartilage and various attached muscles for feeding as well as for movement'A lot of research has focused on how the shoulder girdle ("shoulders") evolved to help animals walk as they changed from living in the water to living on land. But our research shows that the shoulder can also be used in eating', Dr Camp said.'This discovery is a first step that raises the possibility that both feeding and walking may have played a role in how the shoulder changed as animals moved onto land'. While sharks use their pectoral fins to swim and even to position themselves over prey with something akin to a walking motion, the shoulder girdle was presumed to be still during feeding. Watch Confetti Hindi Full Movie on this page. It's not connected directly to the jaws or anything else in the head. Bamboo sharks use suction to slurp up food off the bottom. Using the X- ray movie technology scientists could see inside the sharks as they fed and measured a surprising swing in the shoulder girdle of all three sharks tested. Although this study only involved bamboo sharks, researchers believe other suction- feeding sharks also move their shoulders in this way. Dr Camp believes the research may help scientists inch toward answering the question of how the shoulder girdle evolved in sharks, and other fish, in the first place. 'The girdle shows up [in the fossil record], around the time that jaws evolved,' Dr Camp said. 'We aren't sure exactly what structures it evolved from or how that happened.
Part of understanding that history is understanding what were the functions this structure had to carry out'.'Looking at how the shoulder girdle moves and works in living animals, like this sharks, is a great first step to understanding what it might have done in long- extinct fish and sharks.'.