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Steven Harris FREE Family Prepardness and Emergency Power Classes. NOTE FROM STEVE: When.
I first finished the Bug Out Bag Video, it was 2. Due. to feed back and questions from my testing circle of people.
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I expanded it to 3 hours 3. CUSTOMER TESTIMONIALSThis Bug Out Bag video is like nothing you've ever seen before. BOB items you've never thought of. Steven Harris thinks like no. He teaches the military so he teaches the best of the best.

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"Monitoring the Invisible Empire" Large collection of graphics and anti-masonic commentary and articles.
You need this video. I thought I had a very comprehensive Bug Out Bag. Now I know I have one of the best.
Harlan M. Steve Thank You! Finally common sense to help people prepare. You don't. tell me what I must have, you are helping me make decisions on gear. You said it yourself best in the. Bug Out Bag video when you said I'm just educating you and allowing you.
Finally someone providing. I don't. really need. I started the video and didn't stop the entire time. I spent watching. This not. only will help me build a proper bug out bag but will save me hours of. Such valuable. information just packed into 2. It is just loaded with things.
Gordon K. I waited to build my bug out bag until Steve was done with this video. I knew I'd get fresh ideas not seen anywhere else. I was not. disappointed. You won't find rehashed "what kind of bag and foods do I. Steve presents. innovative solutions that will have you saying "ah- hah" often. Great. work! - Ryan S.
Wow, I didn't even know that some of the tools. I love Steven Harris' "bottom- line, no nonsense". He teaches you the principles you need to know to. But Out Bag but also in your every day. If you're looking for practical and useful. Bug Out Bag video! - Lee G. WOW this is an incredibly informative video.
The dude knows a lot, this. One of the coolest things about it is that he has. This is all logic based, practical application. It. isn't so much "you need this tool", as it is "you need a tool that is.
So make sure you buy the. He is also all about being price conscious. He said it best himself in the. I'm teaching you principles, not stuff." This just adds to his. He thinks beyond the immediate situation to the. This video is all about going beyond the obvious. This. video has so much information that it should have chapters and a table.
If this were a book, it wouldn't be a 'how to' book, it'd. Kevin N. The bug out bags video training is a well rounded insight in to the.
Steven provides pros and cons on specific carry items based on his. His insights and. Whether bugging out, getting home, stuck. Patrick M. Steve's unique, creative insight into multiple function items is sure to. Are you are looking into rounding out your bag making it more. Perhaps the loss of use of your vehicle in.
Maybe an unexpected trip to the hospital, Steve is sure to. Justin F. Steven puts real world science and engineering analysis into his. I highly value. I am always excited. Don P. Steve recognizes that the most likely disasters that we face are from. Yes, he talks about filtering water or starting a.
He stresses. the need for carrying adequate cash reserves. Although he shows. He also notes that adequate. Don J. As usual, Steven has put together a bunch of great original thinking. Steven's "Two is one, One is none, Three is for me (and so. Bug Out Bag that isn't just resilient, it's.
Anti Fragility is what we all need to strive for in the. Check out this video from Steve Harris (and his many. Kyle W. Steve does NOT present a detailed listing of items that you must have in.
Bug Out Bag. He does NOT tell you the way that you should 'Bug Out'. What he DOES provide is an extensive. Capabilities that you would probably like to have with you. This could be at your office, on a. In a format suitable for a kitchen table. He doesn't neglect.
Fire, Water, Navigation, and. Communications. But he also includes how to know that you can cope with. He does give examples of how to reduce the. He encourages. 'what if' thinking about how you can find alternates that will turn. You will learn that Steve's. Two is one, one is none, and three is for me'. And he shows. how he continues to adapt inexpensive items to provide quality.
Ray R. As to methods there may be a million and then some, but principles are. The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own. The man who tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to have. Harrington E. Steve doesn't spend a lot of time on the standard fare (bags, knives.
I haven't seen. elsewhere. His presentation is partially specific, tested equipment (the. Now for the praise: I have kept a Get Home Bag. I. will be making several changes after having watched this video. John H. Well the Doctor of Disaster Preparedness has done.
In the Bug out video you will be presented with often. It demonstrates that you need not spend. This video is not about specific items, but methods and concepts to. An eye opening, mind.
James R. Steve shows a lot of cool stuff in this video, but what sets this video. And he does not advocate for a one- size fits all kit.
This. video shows an array of quality equipment, and how to best maximize. I was impressed by Steve's thoughtful attention to the. Looking forward to more solid info from Steve's next. Corey S. Steven Harris presents in a very straight forward way how to assemble. Bug Out/Get Home bag using many less expensive non specialized. Rick B. If you've heard about Bug Out Bags and thought they were something for.
This is a video that may be labeled. Bug Out Bag", but it's different. This is a video for the person who. Do you remember the last time you had a power. This video has a huge section on flashlights and batteries. Have. you ever been in a hotel room when it lost power? Strange, unfamiliar.
Yeah, it can be a bit scary. Wouldn't you like to have. This video will show you how, with. If you are of the "Preparedness" mindset, this video has things. How do you deal with the need for water when your not.
There are some really good suggestions here. Do you have a leatherman style tool? Have you ever tried to use the saw? How about the. screwdriver? Not real practical are they? This video will show you some. Lot's of good. information here.
There are things that this Scoutmaster will be sharing. Rick D. This video is very well done and packed with information! Ink Master Season 8 Episode 1 Online Free. For me, the. true test on whether this was a useful video or not is to answer this.
After finishing the video, did it change your preps in any. YES". I thought that my bag pretty much. I was just flat out missing. I never considered that scenario until Steve brought it up. If. you want those nagging questions in your head about do you have what you. EDC, or is your bag really complete?" then I would highly.
Mike D. Smooth download.. I enjoyed and learned. This is a well thought out and. Youtube by persons unqualified. If you have. ever watched any of Steve's other videos you will be pleased to know.
I think of that and/or. WOW.. that CAN be done without spending an arm and a leg" moments. Watch. this and other Steve videos and be prepared to be amazed !!!!! John B. I love to have Steve's tested knowledge shatter my ideas of preparedness. Watch James White Online Flashx here.
I appreciate how you teach us about normal technologies and. Thanks! Miguel R.
I have worked my whole life as a hands on fix anything kind of a guy and. This video is based on. Steve ,which will save me endless time and money. Steve has given on this. Gary N. You have provided so much information for the people of this world to. I wish. you the best and will continue to read your emails and buy your.
You have shown me repeatedly, in a proper manner, that you. Craig. C. The lithium battery info was great. I avoided Li. rechargeables until the video explained them. I have a VC2 USB Battery. Charger, Lithium ion 1. Lithium ion 1. 86.
Coast HP1 I found out about on one of the 1. Nothing 'Harris approved' I've bought ever had any issues. Get the. video, it's full of great info. The Device Full Movie Online Free on this page. Ryan W. We like it that you "love/test" this stuff.. Really liked. the charger that charges various sizes of batteries as well as the cell. Barbara T. The videos Steven Harris makes are fantastic. I have learned so much.