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Videos Show High School Cheerleaders Screaming In Pain While Forced Into Splits. Denver police are investigating an incident involving cheerleaders at East High School being forced to participate in painful and possibly abusive practice routines. News was sent a series of videos in which cheerleaders on the East High team are forced into a split position while screaming in pain. Watch Cold Mountain Online Facebook. This is not how you learn how to do a split: The man pushing on the shoulders of the girl in the video above is Ozell Williams, who is the coach of the cheer team.

Last year, Ryan Gosling told GQ that Harrison Ford punched him in the face while filming Blade Runner 2049. According to Ford himself, yup, it happened, it’s.

News reports that parents have been complaining to the school about Williams for months, and that he has been placed on leave while the police conduct their investigation.[9 News].

David Wilkerson's Vision of Satan's Slander War. David Wilkerson's Vision of Satan's Slander War. The vision/prophecy below was seen and written by David Wilkerson in his 1. The Vision. It is of Satan's slander and gossip war against true ministers and faithful brethren. A Gossip War - 1. I know that Satan has declared war on every true minister of Jesus Christ.

He will leave no stone unturned in an attempt to discredit and shipwreck every man of God who is determined to stay true. Those ministers and priests who refuse to cheat on their wives, who refuse to indulge in the freedom of the new morality, are going to be the target of the most vicious gossip of all times. Satan is going to raise up "gossip mongers" to harass, malign and lie against them. I believe that Billy Graham and other great gospel ministers throughout the world are going to face more and more ridicule, gossip, and misunderstanding by the press and by liberal people in the media. Every motive will be questioned and suspected. Every statement will be examined and cross examined. Ministers who thought they had no enemies in the world will wake up and discover that someone is talking about them.

Pastors of churches are going to face the most malicious gossip of all. Innuendos, lies, and false statements that will be floating around will come from the very pits of Hell. It will be a supernatural demonstration of demonic powers. Not a single true minister of the gospel will be immune.

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The wives of ministers who are married will also come under attack. Legions of lying spirits have been turned loose upon the world with the single purpose of accusing Christians through gossip and slander. This gossip war will not only be aimed against ministers of the gospel but against all true believers of Jesus Christ, of all colors and creeds.

Many of the visions/prophecies of this book have been or are being fulfilled; others are still future. David's interpretations of Revelation in this book are pretty traditional and letter. This slander war revelation above is being fulfilled all over the world, as witnesses from different countries have stated to us. At this stage, the slander is mostly coming from professing Christians who have selfish ambitions to make disciples for themselves through faction and slander. In confirmation of David's word above, we were told many times a few years ago in prophecy and dreams, some below, that an army of demons would attempt to destroy UBM and myself as a type of the Davids and Unleavened Bread people. Watch Death At A Funeral Online Iflix. This attempt has failed but it has left much fruit.

We were delivered of a few who could be tempted with such things and are praying for them. These were delivered to spirits of witchcraft and slander but we were left with a people who forgive quickly and love stronger and give grace longer and live holier, as a defense against the army of demons. I have never been in an assembly which loves each other and loves to fellowship and care for each other more than this one.

What David saw here was also seen by others. Read A Call to War and The Black Army by Dumitru Duduman and other revelations below. Thanks for your prayers, saints. Foretelling the Factious' Fall and Deliverance. Annie Cassity - 0.

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. This vision/prophecy was seen and written by David Wilkerson in his 1973 book, The Vision. It is of Satan’s slander and gossip war against true ministers and. A devastating heat wave surging through southern Europe has earned the unofficial moniker of “Lucifer,” according to several news reports this weekend. Things. Stairway To Heaven by Led Zeppelin song meaning, lyric interpretation, video and chart position. I’m excited to announce my 2nd book entitled SACRIFICE: MAGIC BEHIND THE MIC. This book focuses on conspiracy theories and the Illuminati symbolism in hip hop. The Little League World Series is happening again, which means it’s time to watch pre-teens do amazing baseball things while thinking, “Hmmmm, are we sure that. Email may not be dependable. you can also use bible desk, p.o. box 10142, st petersburg, fl 33733. bible studies prayer prophecy sermons sin list spiritual.

David's notes in red)This dream foretold the factious rebellion a year before it came. I had a dream that the UBM body of Christ is going to be separated to His glory. The body is separated into three groups. I am not able to see individuals but there are certain characteristics about each group that the Lord is showing me. In this, His cleansing will be done; He is separating us to do that.

I see one group who are not happy, discontent, unforgiving, void of love and angry. I see a middle group who are more apathetic, who are infected by the first group but wanting to be like the third group. And I see the third group who are bright and shinning in joy, and one in the light, who have overcome temptations to be like the other groups, in that they are being careful to maintain scriptural relationships of love with their brethren in their thoughts and words.

The Lord said that His offer of cleansing is for all three groups. It's their decision to make. I then told those living on The Hill and the fellowship about the dream.) (We are seeing more and more people who had exact dreams prophesying the faction before it came and the demon forces behind it and their plan to destroy UBM and myself.). Then I saw through another dream that through a miracle God would restore many of these people who have been separated from the bright and shining group. And that God then makes an awesome increase of many thousands of people to the UBM body of Christ who then grew in the strength of the Lord.

And then a feast is prepared. The tribulation marriage feast.) End of dream.

This revival and growth is dreamt about in many places on our site and we know it's true.)Over a year after Annie shared this dream, the faction began to take place in July 2. A text that the brethren have received several times from the Lord about these three groups is Zecchariah 1. I received this text on the 1/0.

Vicki received it and I hadn't told her about my revelation. This text was concerning the physical Man- child Jesus in a physical way but we are now seeing it for the spiritual Man- child in a spiritual way. Zec. 1. 3: 7} Awake, O sword (of the tongue), against my shepherd, and against the man that is my fellow, saith Jehovah of hosts: smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered; and I will turn my hand upon the little ones (God's hand of crucifixion to self has been working on the third group). And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith Jehovah, two parts therein shall be (spiritually) cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein. And I will bring the third part into the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried.

They shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people; and they shall say, Jehovah is my God. We can all testify that Father has certainly been refining the third group. Since the first two groups in Annies dream were "cut off", which is spiritually as a falling away, their resurrection can also be spiritual in a revival. After reading Annie's dream again after the year, I picked up my Bible and asked for a Word concerning this restoration and my finger fell on the last part of (Eze. Breathe upon these slain that they may live. Those who said they were "cut off" in verse 1. This is, of course, the really awesome story of God's people being dead as dried bones in their sins and being resurrected by the Spirit of God through the "son of man" Man- child breathing new life into them.

This was a foreshadow of Jesus and Jesus in the Man- child ministry. This is the tribulation revival of Joel's outpouring of the former and latter rains "at the first" or beginning of the tribulation wilderness.

As Israel was coming out of bondage to the old man, they were baptized in the cloud to enter the wilderness. This means a lot of people in the faction will be resurrected to new life. This could be the Senecherib scenario we have received so often when the "mighty men" attacking the Jerusalem Bride were "cut off", representing the mighty men of war separated from their factious, warring spirits and saved. We have also been told that some are reprobated and will never return to the Lord. We are praying with all of our hearts for the people in the first two groups.

This warning was given to us two years before the faction rebellion. Prophetic Dreams of Faction Future Fulfilled. Watch I`M Not Jesus Mommy Online Hulu.

Eve Brast - 0. 7/0. David's notes in red)The Korah rebellion and slander against David and UBM, and the spiritual death of its leadership given two years before the faction occurred.

I asked the Father if He really wanted me to send this dream to David at this time and my finger was on (Son.