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The Miraculous Fat That Nourishes The Brain and Heals The Body! Why Coconut Oil Is Good For You. What is this miraculous fat you ask? Coconut oil of course! It is an incredibly healthy fat, no other oil is as versatile as the humble coconut oil.

You can eat it, cook with it, apply on your skin, treat infections, nourish your brain, heal all sorts of illnesses and more. Coconut oil helps with oxidative stress, reacts against pathogens such as candida, viruses and microbes like H. Pylori, helps with seizures, neurotransmitter function and more. It’s also great for topical use for rashes, eczema, dry skin and skin fungal infections. Coconut oil is used in the treatment of autism, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, obesity and more. It’s incredibly healthy and versatile. I incorporate coconut oil into our daily lifestyle and as a nutritional supplement. The health benefits of coconut oil are endless.

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How Does Coconut Oil Help with Autism?  Coconut oil has high amounts of MCTs (Medium- Chain Triglycerides); it is rich in lauric acid and caprylic acid. Coconut oil reduces oxidative stress; it has powerful antifungal, antiviral, antimicrobial and antiparasitic activity. It supports the immune system, is thyroid stimulating, controls blood sugar, improves cognition, repairs damaged tissues and supports healthy digestion. Coconut oil nourishes the brain; it helps with brain function, the repair and protection of the brain, facilitating proper functioning of neurotransmitters and more. As you can see, coconut oil can help with many of the underlying health conditions common in children with autism.

MCTs From Coconut Oil Passes Through The Blood Brain Barrier“Unhydrogenated coconut oil is made up mostly of medium chain fatty triglyceride (MCT) fats, which the body metabolizes efficiently and converts into energy, rather than storing as fat. It consists of approximately 5. Lauric Acid which has potent anti- Candida (anti- yeast), anti- viral, and anti- bacterial properties.  Human breast milk has much higher amounts of MCT fats than other mammals.  2. MCT fats.  MCT fats pass through the blood brain barrier and act as a neuroprotectant.  They also protect the digestive tract from infection.” ~ Robin Konie. For more, click here Coconut Oil For Autism And Then Some.

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Ketones from MCTs Stimulate the Growth of New Brain Cells“Ketones are energy producing molecules made from fats. Our bodies can make them from stored fat or from special fats known as medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) found in coconut oil. Ketones are produced specifically by the body to feed the brain… Ketones not only supply a superior source of energy to the brain but trigger the activation of specialized proteins called brain derived neurotrophic factors that function in brain cell maintenance, repair, and protection. They also stimulate the growth of new brain cells to take the place of dead or dying cells. This allows healing and repair to take place. Ketones are ordinarily produced when blood glucose levels become low. Since glucose is the body’s primary source of energy, when glucose levels fall, the body starts mobilizing stored fat to produce ketones to maintain adequate energy levels.” ~ For more, click here Rebalance Your Brain With Cold Pressed Coconut Oil.

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Coconut Oil + Fish Oil = Slimmer, Smarter You! Why do I think coconut oil is giving us these great benefits?  Medium- chain triglycerides are very important for proper functioning of neurotransmitters in the brain and coconut oil is full of them.  One particular thing I found out about MCTs is that they work synergistically with Omega- 3 fatty acids liberating them from fat stores in the body and allowing them to be utilized by the brain more efficiently — definitely a winning 1- 2 punch!!

Savage, The Thinking Moms’ Revolution. For more, click here I’m Cuckoo For Coconut Oil! Coconut oil can make me lose weight? AND make me smarter too? You bet I’m wolfing down that coconut oil like there’s no tomorrow! However, too much coconut oil may not necessarily be better. For kids like my eldest daughter Mei, who is much too skinny, I have to be careful not to give her too much coconut oil lest she lose any more weight.

And because of it’s powerful antiviral, antimicrobial and antifungal properties, you may experience die- off when you first start eating coconut oil. So, start low and go slow. Virgin or Extra Virgin?

Up to You! I choose cold- pressed, unrefined, organic coconut oil. I prefer extra virgin coconut oil (EVCO) though many people say that virgin coconut oil (VCO) is equally good. All I know is, I prefer the taste and smell of extra virgin coconut oil. I love Country Farm Organic’s Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. It smells like sweet coconut and tastes really nice.

In Malaysia, coconut oil is sold in bottles. In hot, tropical climates, coconut oil turns liquid at room temperature (yes, it’s that hot here!), thus we need an easy- to- pour bottle. In temperate countries, coconut oil solidifies at room temperature, thus it’s sold in jars for easy scooping. I love this beautifully- packaged  organic EVCO by Acclara Health I found in a little gourmet health food store in Sydney, Australia. When I was in Tokyo, Japan recently, I found a fabulous, organic shop which carries organic VCO by Coco. Well. I like the tub which comes with a cute and convenient little scooper. Ok I confess, I’m a bit of a coconut oil collector. S1m0ne Full Movie there.

My American friends choose coconut oil by Tropical Traditions, Trader Joe’s and Nutiva. There are many great brands of coconut oil available in the market. Just pop into your favourite health food store or organic grocers and pick up some yummy coconut oil today. Please read How To Buy Coconut Oil. A deeper look at the different labels, non- labels and processing methods. Watch You`Re Next Online Hoyts. Pour It, Scoop It, Taste It! My daughters and I eat extra virgin coconut oil by the tablespoonful every day. When eaten, coconut oil is very light.

It is neither heavy nor viscous like you would expect with other types of vegetable oils. It does not leave a sticky, oily residue in your mouth, and, if you get the right brand, it smells like sweet coconut cookies and tastes pleasant. When I first introduced coconut oil as an oral supplement to my daughters Mei and Min Min, I scooped some solidified coconut oil that was kept in the fridge. I handed the spoon to my girls and told them it’s coconut ice cream. They started licking it and didn’t object to the taste.

Is coconut oil healthy? CNNStory highlights. Coconut oil increases LDL cholesterol, a cause of cardiovascular disease.

But coconut oil does a particularly nice job of raising HDL, the "good" cholesterol (CNN)According to a recent survey, 7. Americans think coconut oil is a healthy food. But despite popular health claims about coconut oil, a report from the American Heart Association recently advised against its use, stating that it increases LDL cholesterol (a cause of cardiovascular disease) and has no known offsetting effects."There are many claims being made about coconut oil being wonderful for lots of different things, but we really don't have any evidence of long- term health benefits," said Dr. Walter C. Willett, professor of epidemiology and nutrition at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health.

How exactly, then, does coconut oil rank among oils?"Coconut oil is somewhere in the middle of the spectrum in terms of types of fats. It's probably better than partially hydrogenated oils (which are) high in trans fats but not as good as the more unsaturated plant oils that have proven health benefits, like olive and canola oil," Willett said. It's probably not quite as 'bad' as butter but not as good as extra virgin olive oil," agreed Kevin Klatt, a molecular nutrition researcher at Cornell University who is studying the metabolic effects of coconut oil. Klatt cautions that we should not develop too strong of an opinion about coconut oil without more data.

But at the same time, you have to be evidence- based .. Coconut oil is extracted from the meat of the fruit. It contains mostly saturated fat, which is also found in large quantities in butter and red meat. Like other saturated fats, coconut oil increases LDL cholesterol, the "bad" cholesterol associated with increased risk of heart disease. In fact, coconut oil has more saturated fat and raises LDL more than butter, according to Willett. But coconut oil does a particularly nice job of raising HDL, the "good" cholesterol, especially when replacing carbohydrates in the diet. This may be due to its high content of a fatty acid known as lauric acid.

Coconut oil is half lauric acid, which is a little bit unique," Klatt said, as the acid seems to raise HDL more than other saturated fats and is rarely found in such high amounts in foods. Still, though the increase in HDL seen with consumption of coconut oil may offset some of the disease risk, it's still not as good as consuming unsaturated oils, which not only raise HDL but lower LDL, according to Willett. Complicating matters is the fact that we still don't know for sure what exactly a high HDL translates to in terms of health risk. There's been debate about the role of HDL," Willett cautioned. Partly because there are many forms of HDL which have different health consequences .. For example, there are different forms of HDL that do different things.

One role is to help take LDL cholesterol out of the bloodstream. But some forms of HDL don't do that," Willett said, "so we don't know for sure that higher HDL is better."And while it's true that an elevated LDL level is only a risk factor for heart disease and doesn't always translate to heart attacks, it's still cause for concern. High LDL is a risk factor, but it strongly predicts negative health events," Willett said. There is extremely preliminary evidence that the increase in LDL may not be as pronounced if one consumes extra virgin coconut oil instead of refined coconut oil, according to Klatt. For example, polyphenols present in unrefined oils may help to blunt the effects on LDL. But "the effects of extra virgin compared to refined coconut oil and other common oils require further study," he cautioned.

Coconut oil and weight loss. Some research suggests that coconut oil may be helpful in reducing belly fat, at least in the short term. One study found that coconut oil was associated with reduced waist circumference (belly fat) compared with soybean oil.

Participants also consumed a lot more fiber, followed a low- calorie diet and walked for about an hour each day."Even if coconut oil does help reduce belly fat, it doesn't necessarily outweigh the concern about its effect on lipids, specifically LDL," Klatt said. Other research has touted benefits such as increased metabolism, reduced appetite or improved cognitive function associated with fats known as MCTs, or medium chain triglycerides, which are present in coconut oil."You can't infer from .. We need better controlled trials," Klatt said. Right now, the internet is jumping the gun and going way beyond the evidence."Like other oils, coconut oil is calorie- dense, which means consuming large amounts without reducing other calorie sources can lead to weight gain. Just one tablespoon has 1.

Oil is a really easy way to increase the energy density of a food. Things like almonds have a lot of fat, but it's easier to overeat pure oil than overeat pure almonds," Klatt said.

In small amounts, however, coconut oil can have a place in one's diet. It's not that you have to absolutely avoid coconut oil but rather limit coconut oil to where you really need that special flavor, like for Thai food or for baking a special dessert," Willett said. If you love using butter and need a hard fat, coconut oil may be a better choice and is certainly fine to consume occasionally, when a recipe calls for it," Klatt added. But for day- to- day use, vegetable oils such as olive, canola or soybean oil, along with nuts and seeds, should be your primary fats. These have better effects on blood cholesterol and long- term studies showing reduced risk of heart disease," Willett said. Lisa Drayer is a nutritionist, author and health journalist.