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Get Smart With Wikipedia’s List of Common Misconceptions. Replace your annoying “Did you know?” factoids with even more annoying “Actually that’s fake” corrections. Wikipedia features a massive list of common misconceptions about history, science, and more. I check it once a year to refresh my smugness. The best corrected facts include: Twinkies don’t last forever; they have a shelf life of about 4.
An undercover cop is allowed to lie when you ask if they’re a cop. The Immaculate Conception is about Mary’s birth, not Jesus’s, and it’s about original sin, not a virgin birth. A black belt isn’t always the highest rank in a martial art. The abbreviation “Xmas” was coined by medieval monks. The Roman vomitorium wasn’t a room for vomiting; it was a stadium entrance.

Napoleon was 5’7”, slightly above average in 1. France. It’s OK to swim right after eating. Glass doesn’t actually flow.
A list of 40 video-sharing sites, including links and tagline descriptions. Roblox Music Id 24K Magic Roblox Music Id 24K Magic Lynnfield movie times canyon tx em cartaz cinema curitiba movie online hindi 2013. Roblox Music Id 24K Magic. Title: The Awakening Author: Keira Marcos Fandom: The Sentinel Series: The Alpha Chronicles Pairing: Blair Sandberg/Jim Ellison Betas: Ladyholder Status: Complete. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get.
Old warped windows were made that way. Watch Traitor Putlocker. Shaving doesn’t make hair grow back thicker. Redheads aren’t going extinct. Of course, this is still Wikipedia, so before you rely on a fact for anything more than conversation, click through to the original source. List of Common Misconceptions Wikipedia.
You took the words right out of my mouth. We have watched most of our shows online (including the premier of the new Knight Rider before it was even aired on Amazon. Hi, yes, I am still around and I am still adding links from time to time. Being in the mid of my master-studies my sparetime, I can spend doing so, is greatly reduced. If you live in a city that attracts a steady stream of tourists, you already know (and side-eye) the chain restaurants that they tend to gravitate towards, even when.
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