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Resourceful and spunky, the droid developed an adventurous personality during his many decades of operation. Inside of his cylindrical frame were many arms, sensors, and other tools that could be extended to fulfill various needs, such as slicingcomputers, extinguishing fires, projectingholograms, repairingstarships, and flying. Along with his counterpart, the protocol droid. C- 3. PO, R2- D2 constantly found himself directly involved in pivotal moments of galactichistory. His bravery, coupled with his many gadgets, played large roles in saving the galaxy time and time again. Like other astromech droids, R2- D2 could walk on two legs or use a third leg to roll across the ground.
His maintenance work on the ship's hull while it was under fire allowed the queen and her crew to bypass the blockade and flee the sieged world. R2- D2 was then recognized before the queen for his work in ensuring the ships safety. Afterwards, R2- D2 directly served the queen, playing a decisive role in liberating Naboo and remaining with Amidala for another ten years, even as she transitioned to the role of senatoreight years later.
When attempts on her life were made in 2. BBY and the Jedi. Padawan. Anakin Skywalker was assigned to protect her, R2- D2 and C- 3. PO accompanied the two to Geonosis and participated in a battle that started the Clone Wars, a galaxy- wide conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Separatist Confederacy of Independent Systems. Amidala gave R2- D2 to Skywalker when he became a Jedi Knight, and the astromech droid faithfully served him throughout the war, often flying in the droid socket of Skywalker's starfighter or fighting next to him on the front lines.
After a jealous Jade dumps Beck, she soon regrets it and recruits Tori to help get him back. Meanwhile, Trina puts on a one-woman show and tells Robbie he better give.
Appearance Edit. Clay is a strong MudWing with mud brown scales that seem richer and deeper when in sunlight, like mahogany. There are undertones of glowing amber and.
In the aftermath of the war, R2- D2 and C- 3. PO were assigned to the corvette. Tantive IV of Alderaan, where they served Alderaan's viceroy. Bail Organa for nineteen years.
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- Tori Vega is an aspiring singer who attends a performing arts high school. She leads a normal life, but when her sister has a medical accident on the night of their.
They were, however, separated from Organa during that time period, and got caught up in a wide variety of misadventures, ruining the gangster. Tig Fromm, helping restore the Tammuz- anmonarchy, and aiding the merchant. Mungo Baobab in reviving his family's fortune, among other exploits. After rejoining the crew of the Tantive IV, they became embroiled in the Galactic Civil War, and in 0 BBY, Leia Organa of the Rebel Alliance entrusted R2- D2 to bring a copy of the Death Star plans to the Jedi Master. Obi- Wan Kenobi on Tatooine. Watch Messengers 2: The Scarecrow Online Facebook. After meeting Skywalker's son Luke and the smuggler. Han Solo, the droids helped rescue princess Leia from the Empire's Death Star and became directly attached to the three Humans, helping them and their rebellion defeat the Empire and restore freedom to the galaxy.
R2- D2 would also assist Luke in his training as the galaxy's last Jedi Knight. When an extra- galacticrace of religious zealots known as the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy in 2.
ABY, R2- D2 participated in the four- year conflict that eventually saw the invaders defeated. Six years later, Luke and Leia discovered the identity of their mother via holorecordings found inside of R2- D2's memory, and R2- D2 remained at their side during the subsequent Second Galactic Civil War. The astromech droid was passed down to many subsequent generations of Skywalkers, and in 1. ABY, aided Cade Skywalker in fighting against a revived Sith.
Empire. He rolled on three legs, one of which could retract into his body, and had a silver and blue domed head. His white, blue, and silver body housed many arms, sensors, and other apparatuses, many of which were not readily seen by the typical humanoid eye. This often made the droid seem like a box of tricks, unexpectedly pulling out some previously unseen but very much needed device at a critical moment.
It also contained a carousel device that contained a specific arm related to a specific duty, to economize space within his cylindrical body. Because of the quickness in utilizing a specific arm, it often gave off the illusion that he had an endless supply of tools. He's laying down a smokescreen!!
Artoo, how do you think of these things? After the Clone Wars, however, Brooks Propulsion Devices, the company responsible for the development of his boosters, was shut down, and his rocket boosters were eventually damaged and thus could not be repaired. Despite this, however, R2 hardly regretted the loss of his ability to fly. However, he rarely ever had a use for it, as it would result in foreign agents gaining entrance to his internal systems. It deserves our gratitude. Accompanied by the Jedi Knights.
Qui- Gon Jinn and Obi- Wan Kenobi, the Queen and a group of her royal personnel boarded the royal starship in the capitalcity of Theed and attempted to flee the planet by breaking the blockade. When the turbolasers of one of the Federation's battleships damaged the royal starship's shield generator, R2- D2 and several other astromech droids made their way through a turbolift to the ship's hull to effect repairs; R2- D2 bumped into the Gungan. Jar Jar Binks on his way out of the ship. As R2- D2's droid companions were systematically blown off of the hull by laser blasts, the deflector shields gave out completely until R2- D2 was able to bypass the main power drive and bring the shields back online. With the shields again intact, the pilot.
Ric Oli. Amidala cleaned R2- D2's exterior while Jar Jar Binks watched; the trio later accompanied Qui- Gon Jinn to the city of Mos Espa on Tatooine in search of a new hyperdrive generator. R2- D2 accompanied Jinn and the others to the junk shop of the Toydarianmerchant. Watto, and later to the home of Anakin Skywalker, a young slave working for Watto who offered his home to the party as a reprieve from a coming sandstorm. In Skywalker's home, R2- D2 was introduced to C- 3. PO, a protocol droid that the boy was building. As C- 3. PO was yet to be covered with an outer plating, R2- D2 candidly remarked that his parts were showing, even calling him . The astromech droid then stood in the home's kitchen as the guests dined with Skywalker and his mother, Shmi Skywalker, and later helped Skywalker make final adjustments to his podracer in time to race it in the Boonta Eve Classicrace.
Despite C- 3. PO's shock at R2- D2's initial candor, the two droids fast developed a friendship of sorts, working on the podracer together, discussing space travel, and noting the clumsy actions of Binks. Wald, who cheered their friend on. Skywalker won the race, which secured the hyperdrive generator and freed the boy from his enslavement. R2- D2 was waiting inside the royal starship and next to its boarding ramp as Skywalker entered the ship, and was present shortly thereafter when Jinn entered, having just dueleda Sith Lord on the planet's sand dunes. Watch The Blood Is The Life: The Making Of Bram Stokers Dracula` Full Movie. The ship and its crew traveled to the galactic capital of Coruscant and remained there for several days, before returning to Naboo in an effort to rid the planet of its Trade Federation presence. Onworld, R2- D2 accompanied the queen's party to the Gungan Sacred Place as she requested help from Boss Rugor Nass of the Gungans in the impending battle.
After Nass accepted, R2- D2 attended an informal council of war, and projected a hologram of Theed as plans were made to lay siege to the city. After locating the firing controls, Skywalker destroyed several droidekas with the ship's guns, but found the ship in an automatic pilot mode.
R2- D2 was able to override the auto- pilot, but only after the ship had made its way to a space battle that was raging above the planet's atmosphere. The astromech droid instructed his pilot to return to the hangar, but Skywalker refused, and joined Bravo Squadron of the Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps as they assaulted the Trade Federation's Droid control ship. Shortly into the battle, Skywalker's fighter was hit and made a crash landing inside one of the control ship's hangars.
Firing proton torpedoes at the ship's main reactor, Skywalker was able to destroy it, which played a large part in the day's victory over the Trade Federation.